Doug Lockyer



Investor Pitch Deck


Genesis-Dc is a planned, purpose-built smart city using eight Regenerative (beyond Sustainable) Technologies and incorporating Collaborative, Connected Communities. The city will feature an interconnected network of the world’s Largest Bio Domes, designed by global leading Architects, Grimshaw.

The pitch deck needed to summarize a complex business model and present groundbreaking new technologies, while illustrating the value of its unique approaches to community building, transport and green living.

The result was an animated, interactive pitch deck (with a supporting static deck for investor review). The Pitch Deck featured an embedded video fly-through of a complete architectural model of the city, as well as interactive diagrams presenting technologies and community features.

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20+ new product launch presentations


Samsung wanted a distinctive style of charts, icons, and illustrations to work within their set palette and backgrounds, so over four months, a design and illustration team produced over 20 slideshows, each of around 35 – 40 slides. The vector illustrations included orthogonal models and character and object silhouettes in shades of translucent grey.

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Stakeholder and strategic partner presentations


Reunion Works, a franchise reunions marketing and events management platform, needed a distinctive palette and illustration/diagram system to communicate its complex business model in a recognizably branded style.

Three separate presentations were developed, one hosted online as an interactive HTML presentation.

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Bullpen 0 start
Bullpen step 1
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Bullpen step 5
Bullpen step 6
Bullpen step 7
Bullpen step 8
Bullpen step 9
Bullpen step 10
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Interactive 10-step process diagram.


Bullpen is a Kenyan academic and marketing research firm with a comprehensive 10-step workflow process. The firm wanted to differentiate themselves by visually presenting their organized approach to research with an interactive diagram, walking viewers through each color-coded step.

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Japanese market entry report & transformational teams recommendations.


Fix & Fogg brand, ranked among the best nut butters in the world, is a small NZ enterprise based in Wellington.

They are a certified B corporation and are committed to sustainability across their supply chain. Their dedication to superb quality, their innovative and über-healthy exotic nut butter products, and their competitive pricing set them apart in a fragmented market, dominated by value brands.

The Team Strategy Recommendations presentation is an academic exercise promoting transformational team management and synergy strategies, designed to leverage Fix & Fogg’s small, family-style flat organizational structure.

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Kenyan transformational, sustainable community water purification project


Village Water was proposing a unique, informal-reseller-driven, Point-Of-Use (POU) water purification project, targeting water stressed communities across East Africa. To communicate and simplify the complex business model and to present findings from primary research, a set of illustrated presentations was produced to communicate the value proposition to strategic partners and investors.

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