Doug Lockyer

Baumann Portrait

9" x 12" on Fabriano 300 lb cold press (2005 stock - pre retooling) (Click on image then magnifying glass icon to see at full size)

This commission was received through my account, from Baumann’s girlfriend in Germany.

I honestly can’t remember anything more about this gig, not even the subject’s first name!

I used a limited palette of only Veridian Green Pthalo Green and Chromium Yellow Light and used loose washes, some wet on wet, deliberate blooms and glazing. It was painted on Fabriano rough 300lb, one of my favorite stocks. Sadly Fabriano, after gaining the contract to produce all of the paper the Euro is printed on, retooled all their mills and now make watercolor papers on completely different machinery. The result has been a Hot Press line that is all but unusable and cold press and rough papers, with such poor sizing, that they stain too easily, making working on large washes and bleeds very unrewarding. The paper now behaves about as well as Canson XL, which is not saying much!

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