Doug Lockyer

Adam Schlesinger backdrop mural

Adam, 12 ft x8 ft digital watercolor, output on paper panels glued to foamcore (Click on image then magnifying glass icon to see at full size)

Adam Schlesinger, founder and songwriter of Fountains of Wayne (with songs such as “I’m in love with Stacy’s Mom”, “I-95” and “Mexican Wine”, and “Those things you do”), died of COVID-19 related complications in April 2020.

His friends and colleagues from the music industry, led by longtime bandmate, Jody Porter put together a 2 hour live streamed video event commemorating and celebrating his life and work.

Reference photo

My friend Steven M. Gold, Adams composer partner of 22 years, invited me to contribute so I created this digital watercolor, which was used as a backdrop in the filmed event, held at Bowery Electric in New York, on April 28.

The event streamed live on May 5th and was deemed a huge success by all who participated, contributed or watched.

Time lapse video of mural being assembled by myself and Steven M. Gold

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